

Page history last edited by Mark Fussell 13 years, 10 months ago


Previous Meetings: Club: ParcMeeting20100919 -- Team: ...(Jan 2011)

Next Meeting: ParcMeeting20110327  



February 27th, 2011 -- 2PM to 4PM


   * Ohlone Elementary, Library -- Library is in back after classrooms 7-13

   * http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&q=ohlone+elementary+school&fb=1&gl=us&hq=ohlone+elementary+school&hnear=San+Francisco,+CA&cid=0,0,7394039535902553563&ll=37.439293,-122.124109&spn=0.015078,0.010729&z=16&iwloc=A



Please review the FrontPage , especially the items at the bottom. 


General Agenda

The primary agenda will be a kickoff of the Club for 2011

  * An introduction to the charter of the club, FLL, etc. 

     * Some explanation, some movies, etc.

     * A demonstration of the field set, robots, etc. 

  * Returning club members and a quick overview of their likely activities for 2011

  * New club members and a quick overview of their likely activities for 2011 

  * Figuring out logistics for making 2011 a great club year


We will likely have 1-4 arenas (fields) to work with, and some number of robots/kits for kids to share.  Note that kids will have to be responsible for taking good care of the robots with minimal supervision [except from other senior kids]... losing/breaking lots of NXT pieces or certain NXT pieces is expensive.


More Specific Agenda

Primary Agenda




Some additional resources:





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